Let's Set Our Goals Like Never Before
I can't wait to walk you through my Reverse Goal Setting process.

These workshops are held every December, so join our waitlist and we'll send you the dates as soon as we have them. 
Yes, Save My Spot!
Here's What Other Biz Owners Have to Say...

"Stacey's unique ability to look through the lens of business and teach it step-by-step and hold your accountable is gold. Her Reverse Goal Setting model is a truly strategic approach that WORKS!

-Amy Grace Collins
Amy Grace Events
California & Michigan

"Stacey's Reverse Goal Setting process rocked my world with a fresh take on goal setting. It opened up more opportunity that I didn’t see before. I will never set goals the same way again!"

-Kendra Erkamaa
Triangle Financial Services
Des Moines, IA

“I'm a GOAL SETTING connoisseur. I have been most of my life. Stacey's Reverse Goal Setting Process was like nothing I had seen before. I'm looking forward to another year of using this method and staying on track for the plan I created last year during her Reverse Goal Setting masterclass!” "

-Margaret Brown
Los Angeles, CA
